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Thema: 2metraninja plays PB87

  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    2metraninja plays PB87

    Hi guys, obviously this is my thread for me playing in PB87 and I am going to write this in English, as my German is limited to what I had learned way back ago as a teenager from the German adult movies.

    I am playing Boadicea of the Celts and I cannot hide my disappointment, as I believe this is almost the worst possible combo, but it is what it is and I will try to make the most out of it and have fun in the process. Even greater disapponntmet is the fact we have capitols with one of my neighbors which are almost touching cultures, or they will touch in the second culture pop. We have our capitols literally 3 tiles apart. Which changes the game a lot and becomes more of a gamble, rather than civ, but I will have to live with it too.

    Partly to my inexperience in the rules, I had situation early on with the initial archer. I had played already 2 games in here, but kind of forgot it must stay within the capitol and I decided to move my settler before settling and use archer to explore, so when I realised I have to keep the archer within the city square of my still unbuilt city, I wrote to the admins, but they calmed me down that because settler have 2 moves and archer have just 1, it is normal sometimes the archer to drag on. But I still had a situation with my archer making his first move in the opposite direction and the unusual proximity of my French neighbor, which warrior showed up 2 tiles from my unsettled settler lol.

    I came up with a plan how to avoid being warrior-killed. Not much because I would suffer for being killed in a just started game, but instead that my early death would inballance the whole game for the rest of the players. How I found a way to deal with it, read in my next post, as I have to go out to work
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  2. #2
    Danke für den Kommentar.
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    Very Nice…
    Ich bin keine Signatur, ich fälsche nur die Geldscheine.

  3. #3
    Avatar von Lord of the Civ
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    Happy to see you in this part of the forum.

    Good luck and have fun.

  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    Yeah, you have to make a legal double move or cementing that you go first in a war with France. I don't quite get why you founded your city there and not on the other hill with fish in the cross. You must research husbandry now which could hurt you short term....

    Edit: Although Fishing would be tough to research too, the tile is unblockable that early in the game and the tech is cheaper. Plus the city had a bit more distance to France After all, you chose to found even one tile closer after you spotted the warrior...

    Much fun to you. Hope your disappointment will fade away
    Geändert von Suite (04. Oktober 2019 um 12:40 Uhr)

  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von klops
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    Thanks for writing and sharing your thoughts.
    Good luck and have fun!

  6. #6
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    way back ago as a teenager from the German adult movies.
    Des san die Liebesgrüßn aus der Lederhosn *sing*

  7. #7
    ε•ω=1 Avatar von Ramkhamhaeng
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    If the scout is placed on the wine the beaming mechanic might be enough to protect the capital. Moreover, the french player probably expect the archer nearby the city.

  8. #8
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    I don't trust beaming anymore

  9. #9
    Civ-Rentner Avatar von HeymlicH
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    Walk back to your starting position. 4 turns wasted, but founding your city where you are is worse, even if he doesn't attack.

  10. #10
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Just like Suite said, I had to make sure I play first in the turn 4. Metal had to play after me in turn 2, so after seeing my empty hill capitol, he could not declare me a war and play before me in the war, allowing me to garrison my capitol with my archer, who was able to reach in turn 4.

    I thought about using my scout for beaming too, but first, it is not sure at all where the offending unit will be kicked, and then, what guarantee I do have that Metal will not just attack and kill my scout instead of stepping on the same tile and just then declaring me a war?

    Walking back to my initial position plan have few flaws. First and most obvious is that I lose 4 turns, just as you noticed. Second one is I do like a lot more my current position for capitol, which gives me few advantages over the starting position of my settler. It have all the resources my initial position would had, plus one wine. It have additional advantages too. (One advangate is it is on a hill for better protection. Second advangate is plain hill gives me 1 more hammer for the rest of the game, most important of course in the beginning of the game, where every hammer counts. Third advangate is now I am closer to Metal, pushing our border more towards him, having my main production base closer to obvious enemy. Fourth advantage is making stronger front city - having bigger span of culture and if - God forbid - it comes to besieging my capitol, culture defense is nice.) Last, but not least reason why I would never go back is because it is both bad move - from chess moving from where you came is considered very bad move, also it is demoralising and shows defeatist's way of thinking, which I am not for sure. It is just not my style to go back.

    All worked perfect, Metal just went around my culture to explore my surroundings, this crisis was solved.

    Speaking of Metal, I hardly know much any of the guys here, besides Mr.X, who was my neighbor in the previous pitboss and who we had a nice war with, and Mikko, who was my other neighbor in the same pitboss and we had war with him too. I actually had Metal as my third neighbor (which I had no war against) but we had not much interaction and maybe his performance was affected by the unfortunate leader and nation he had in the last pitboss - Japan with Tokugawa. Oh, I played with Empirate too in my first pitboss in here, he even killed me together with another guy, but things turned bad for me there from the very beginning, so it does not counts much I guess.

    Anyway, can I have some insights from you guys reading this about the strengths and weakness and possibly personalities and style of play of my opponents in this game? That would be of a great help and will somewhat compensate the fact that all the other guys you know each-other from playing numerous games together already.

  11. #11
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    The beaming should've been done as such: You place your scout on the french warrior while in peace. Then France can't declare war without him getting beamed away from your capital thus giving you the one round for your archer. France could not have moved his warrior freely towards you. So that would've been your guarantee. I did this en gros in PB 85 as the Romans and it went all the way wrong but here it would've worked.

    Regarding your opponent's styles of play and character: This is very difficult to say, because a) it could lure you unwillingly into trust/distrust and b) it is a very long evolved impression on me, created by reading dozens, if not hundreds of hours of stories, discussions etc. Furthermore I don't think the knowledge will help you: Refining your game and working on your civ is better than mind wars (we're playing without PM-diplomacy, so you're as unorthodox to "us" as it is the other way round).

  12. #12

  13. #13
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    In my humble opinion knowing the relative strengths and weaknesses of your opponents can be of a great help to anyone. Of course one will be more daring towards players with reputation for being less experienced civver and will be way more careful towards known civ masters. Maybe you are way too kind to say in open this player is weaker and this one is stronger, or maybe you are just too cautious (you said this about you yourself), which "cautious" is also a trait, which can be useful to know if I ever meet you in a game
    Other players might not know me, but they know all the other players.

    Of course just as you said, having wrong information about the strenghts of a given player can be very misleading, but if few people give thir opinions, I can make some statistics and I will have to decide how much this information is corect. In my last PB Empirate was with the impression from my first pitboss here that I am weaker player and was telling this to Mr.X, which had made him a bad favor, as my attack came a bit surprising to him.

    Speakng of which, how is the matter with giving advices regulated? I am reading Mr.X's story for PB83 and there a lot of people were giving him gameplay advices. I do play in other community with story telling threads and the lurkers there are forbidden from giving advices for how the player to play the game. First, because this can change the performance of a player, and second, because the lurkers read the other players stories as well and they read their thoughts, plans, intentions and even if unintentionally, can slip some information based of the information from other player's threads. Lurkers can only ask questions and answer game-mechanics related questions. Is there a guideline what can be said and what must not be said from lurkers?

  14. #14
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    I'll answer thoroughly tomorrow (or hope so). But one thing: You fight the civ, not the player. It could very well be that someone is folding and a master takes over.

  15. #15
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von klops
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    afaik, the basic rule is "advice is allowed but based only on information from this story".
    So, we may tell you our opinion about were to build the second city or how to produce the settler one turn faster.
    Or: "you'll probably lose the fight because the enemy has city-raid-promotion, you could get out of the city and re-capture it the following turn." (But only if those promotions are visible on your screenshot, readers have to take care not to spoil such things from other stories)

    Generally, readers like to read about war. So, we might be biased if we tell you: this is a great opportunity!!! You are the leader of your civ and we just give ideas... but some lurkers are good players themselves and it might indeed be a great opportunity

    Regarding strong/weak players... I'm a bad player myself and watch the games for 2-3 years now but I'd say that all players know how to build a civ effectively. Recently, some guys were surprised because one player was doing extremely well in his first or second pitboss (not playing this time). Like your example above, it could lead to misinterpretation.
    There is a fine line between "genius general" and "poor boy" if you lose your first two 80% fights

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