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Ergebnis 106 bis 120 von 295

Thema: 90 - Kemet, das Land der ersten Hochkultur

  1. #106
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Power is nothing I want. I would prepare atleast 1 turn of unit whipping (and the overflow should then go into another unit.)


    POP 6 is ideal for Settler, but I see no good spot (after a fort behind the ice ?). I would exchange the POP in Units. We need more Units and more ships. Maybe baracks first.


    In case of doubt, we would have two fronts.
    In the north, Vanguard has just 6 axes, but no visible impi at the moment. We should have 2 chariots in time and some more axes. Against AGG this is not ideal, but what can we do ?

    In the south I currently see 3 axes and 2 impi. Therefore, I would be reluctant to withdraw anything from the south, even if the north is more uncertain. The supply would like to go north, but currently...

    Spears should be built to 4/35 in order to generate maximum overflow with POP2 whip. And if Vanguard does get horses, it's good to have one or two.
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  2. #107
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Übersetzung zu dem letzten Post:


    Der Stromgraph gefällt mir nicht. In Anbetracht der Stadtforderung würde ich mindestens eine Runde Peitschrunde zur Rüstung einlegen. Und den Überschuss auch wieder in Truppen.


    POP6 ist zwar ideal für einen Siedler, trotzdem würde ich hier erstmal Truppen (oder Schiffe) bauen/sklaven.
    Ich sehe halt aktuell keinen guten Stadtplatz, eventuell nach Mathe/Fort hinter dem Eis.


    Ein Überblick.
    Wir haben aktuell 2 potenzielle Fronten. Im Süden sehe ich aktuell 3 Äxte und 2 Impi, im Norden 5 Äxte.
    Wir selber haben aktuell im Norden und im Süden jeweils 3 Äxte. Aus diesem Grund würde ich die Truppen ungern aus dem Süden verlegen.

    Die Speere sind aktuell in der Bauliste, um diese dann POP2 zu peitschen und Überschuss zu generieren. Die Äxte sind dort schon über 4/35. Und falls Vanguard doch Pferde hat, sind ein paar Speere auch nicht schlecht.
    Geändert von xist10 (21. Juli 2022 um 10:25 Uhr)
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  3. #108
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    You're right that power is nothing we want and dumping pop into ancient era trash is really dumb, but if Vanguard insists, we should probably scrabble together some respectable defense. Prisoners' dilemma with Shaka

    Good spot for settler is on the same island as the Capital. Can quickly chop a granary and steal fish from Heliopolis or Wheat from Thebes. Or alternate, both cities have too much food for our current luxuries.
    Just grow it to happy cap and work cottages, it will be worth it because both.

    Btw, a road to Superdeath is worth 1 Commerce for each of our cities because it will also open up trade with TR if he and SD are not at war. So maybe prioritize that if we are not roading for military defense or chopping out axemen.
    Try and whip axes and overflow into Chariots. Chariots are especially useful in the south because we might get an opportunity to use them offensively against Russia
    Not a real plan, just dreaming. If we could pull off some magic diplomacy and get Korea to attack Shaka while we attack Russia that might save the game. But I'm pretty sure this game is lost already given the awkward start and Zulu-inspired setbacks. If I find out after the game that Zulu was able to connect both his capital foods before bronzeworking...

    I'd advise being very friendly with Superdeath. PRO and hill cities and fanatical defender willing to throw his game if he needs to. Also, he probably has other problems on his hands given his war with TR. Build mainly defensive units (axemen) in the north with a couple war chariots to zone out the scouts and force him to cover Axes with Impis.

    Maybe we should tech Metal Casting instead of Math and Currency. We can settle a city west of Memphis that steals the sheep and can whip galleys from there. Metal Casting gives us a naval threat and increases our happy cap.

  4. #109
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Good points.

    Road to SD is the next project, but I thought, a road between or northern cities is more important.
    I think, we are to late to use chariots. But our meta has nearly no focus on HBA.
    Spearmen are to good against armys consist only of Chariots/HBA/knights.

    Yes, MC is better than Maths. (Do we want the canals ?)

    I didn't post the rest of the turn yesterday. I did start researching Masory. We need it for Bauwesen (Tech for Catas) and walls gives us 30% advantage.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  5. #110
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Im Süden sind es gearde 3 Äxte und 2 Impi, da bewege ich erstmal die eine Axt nach Norden.
    Elephantine baut jetzt einen KSW an, ich habe vergessen, dass eine POP2 Peitsche ja erst ab Größe 4 geht. Und im Zweifel kann ich mich dann entscheiden, ob ich KSW oder Axt POP1 will.

    Vanguard hatte kwaDukuza in den letzten Runde immer unbewacht gelassen. Triere nächste Runde auf Elephantine 5-9 ziehen und danach die Stadt abfackeln ?

    In the south there are just 3 axes and 2 impi, so I have moved one axe to the north.
    Elephantine is now building a Warcharoit, I forgot that a POP2 whip can only be used from size 4. And in case of doubt, I can then decide whether I want chariot or axe POP1.

    Vanguard had always left kwaDukuza unguarded in the last round. Move the galley to Elephantine 5-9 next turn and then burn down the city?

    Der Norden hat (leider ohne Bild) gerade 7 Äxte bei Vanguard. Und einen Impi, den ich aus den Augen verloren habe. Wir selber produzieren gerade nach.
    The north has (unfortunately without a picture) in the moment 7 axes from Vanguard. And an Impi, which I have lost track of. We ourselves are currently producing.

    Vanguard selber sorgt gerade dafür, dass er immer Zweitzieher ist. Ich eigentlich würde ich gener einfach mal so alle Einheiten bewegen und dann die Runde durchlaufen lassen.
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  6. #111
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Will Vanguard doch zu Superdeath ?
    Dort sind 9 Äxte und 1 Impi bekannt.


    Wenn Vanguard weiterhin die Stadt unbewacht lässt, kann ich die nächste Runde abfackeln.

    Wenn die Äxte im Norden zu uns gewandert wären, würde ich das ohne zu zögern machen. Wenn im Norden nur 5 Äxte wären, wohl auch. So aber ?


    Siderl gepeitscht. Geht in den Norden der HS.


    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  7. #112
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I am not sure if superdeath declared first or if vanguard wanted to flank us.

    Do we want to train our Chariots ? I see only one impi a turn behind the axemen.


    If we want to declare war against vanguard, I did load a chariot and an axe on the boat. He can see this with the axe on the hill, but maybe...

    We have 2 cities with size 6 in a few rounds. I would say, we let them be ? We have for 2/3 rounds. Liberies ?
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  8. #113
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I think all natural (non whip) production should be put into War Chariots. Libraries are easy way to get rid of population if we have too much food. War Chariots are by far our best unit as Vanguard is building mostly Axes.

    I see two possible ways to go. Either go Math->Currency and try to scout/settle the jungle islands. Maybe we try to take a piece out of the Russians to our South-West
    Or we can go Metal Casting and use cheap forges for happiness and use 4 Triremes and 6 Galleys to try and surprise attack Zulu on the inner sea.
    If he leaves the city open, you can burn it and offer peace, as a reminder for our stolen worker, but I'm not entirely sure that's worth it if you're still trying to win. The winning strategy to get more land would be a surprise attack. 10 War Chariots from the Fog into the Russians or a bunch of boats to hit the Zulu capital.

  9. #114
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Copper/ Copper is okay. We have no interest to attack Superdeath (in the moment).


    I had to decline this offer.
    A) I don't know if Vanguard stood outside the city. He was there and retreated, but....
    B) Alexandria has our horses. And a second time gold. Both something Subway is missing.
    Even an offer of horses (for nothing) is not in at the moment. I would like to have some more war chariots.


    Maths in the next turn. I would build a fort and then cross over with axe/settler. I would whip the settler next.


    Do we want to build a fort here ?
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  10. #115
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    Copper/Copper means that Superdeath wants our military assistance.
    I leave that up to you, though I maintain that we need more units before making a move.

    prioritize the second gold at Alexandria, we want to arrange a trade deal with Vanguard for his gems for our gold. Or anyone else.

    Forts take a very long time to build, 10 turns. We probably want a second worker helping. Make sure to whip those unhappy cities whenever the timer runs low. Axes, Spears, Libraries can all be whipped, so I would dump natural production into War Chariots. I would also run specialists when approaching happy cap. Specifically a prophet might be able to land us Christianity. Generating GP is really important and often overlooked because it is painful on the growth. But if growth is causing unhappy, might as well work the specialists.

    Before sending a settler on a Galley to the jungle, we should send an axe/war chariot to scout if there is anything actually worthwhile there.

    After Currency, I would tech Metal Casting or Iron Working if there is valuable stuff under that jungle (but we're not seeing it now if there is).

  11. #116
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Copper/Copper is military assistance ?
    For us (Civforum) this is a NAP.
    Axe/Warchariot first, okay. Second worker is near the city.

    Priest for Christany is a good idea.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  12. #117
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von klops
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    Judging from 2-3 games I lurked, trade offers tend to be more complex on RB. (which can lead to misunderstandings )

    Not every trade is meant to be accepted, more like telling a story... ginger might have more experience decoding them

  13. #118
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Sorry, erst mein 4. Spiel.


    First "Win" for vanguard.


    This is the next turn. How many Turns is this behind ?


    Sorry, not the best picture. I moved a chariot from Elephantine to Memphis and I have 2 workers on the foresttile.
    Second point: Gems for metal. I would trade with metal, not with vanguard.


    Demo is better than I feared, but not the best.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  14. #119
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    more cottages.
    always more cottages.
    This map is pretty heavily tech gated in general
    We should prioritize specialists and cottages. Specifically run priests for a prophet. Bulbing theology gives us a holy city and the ability to build the AP, that's a ticket to late-game economic relevance if we survive. Unfortunately it does block the Astronomy bulb, but so would researching Civil Service.
    And Civil Service seems *really* good with a map this small and capital this rich.
    After Currency, we need Metal Casting and Monarchy, probably in that order. Then I would think about either Monotheism and bulbing Theology, followed by CoL->Civil Service. We can pick up Construction along the way if the neighbors are looking scary.

    Btw realmsbeyond uses fish-fish for NAP and cu-cu or horse-horse for military alliance. Other resources are usually either legitimate trades or attempts to signal a specific location on the map.

    more cottages

  15. #120
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    hey I want to apologize because I logged in and started making moves where I should've asked you first.
    I whipped Memphis and Heliopolis because the whip timer had run out, I strongly think we should settle west of the sheep with the new settler out of Memphis. After roading to save a turn on settling the city, the workers can immediately go to work chopping a brand new granary in there with the two forests in our culture.

    Whipping Heliopolis might've been a mistake because the Library doesn't give immediate returns (and we lose a couple turns of specialists), but I saw that food tile going to waste and it broke my heart. Instead, I probably should've let Heliopolis idle at size 6 and give its fish to Pi-Ramesses. Which is probably what we'll end up doing. Get Heliopolis to size 5, it works Deer, 2 cottages and 2 priests. And when the whip anger wears off again, we take the fish back, grow to size 6, and then work that grassland cottage and stay food neutral at size 6.

    The worker north of the capital was cottaging a pre-chopped forest. I set commands so it chops and then cottages. That will save about 3 worker turns. Afterwards it should go SouthEast and finish the cottage on that plains grassland, can't have the capital be working unimproved tiles

    Always be working improved tiles and cottaging.
    On the plus side, I'm shocked how much better our economy is now, and it is reassuring that nobody else near us has hit Currency yet.

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