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Thema: Patch Allen Newell

  1. #1
    Strippenzieher Avatar von Buktu
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    Post Patch Allen Newell

    Zusammen mit dem Afrika DLC sind heute die Patchnotes rausgekommen.

    [] "Allen Newell" Version Notes

    ADDITIONS [Cultures of Africa Pack]

    - Expand your HUMANKIND™ experience with the Cultures of Africa DLC!

    - Features 6 new cultures spanning all eras, new natural and built wonders, 7 new independent people, and 15 new narrative events.


    - Added Great Zimbabwe Wonder content (newsletter opt-in).

    - Added movies when discovering specific technologies.

    - Added a new window at launch to display info about the game.

    - Removed the "Turn Limit" condition from the Default, Last Human Standing and Space Race endgame conditions.

    - Improved the usability of the Trade and Wondrous systems.

    - Improved the way AI handles Bombardment management.

    - Improved the way AI handles military objectives.

    - Improved the way AI handles Competitive Deeds.

    - Improved the way AI handles escort of Embarked Army.

    - Improved the way AI handles Garrison.

    - Improved the way AI handles Civic choices.

    - Improved the way AI handles Culture choices.

    - Improved the way AI handles Units that cannot climb fortifications in an assault.

    - Improved the way AI handles Siege sortie.


    - Fixed an issue where players can remain stuck after loading a multiplayer auto save created during the launching of the nuclear missile.

    - Fixed an issue where the player will remain stuck on the "New tenet unlocked" mandatory notification if the AI is choosing the last tenet before the player does in the same turn.

    - Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated and the session remains stuck on "Turn Pending" after ending turn on a specific save file.

    - Fixed an issue where a stuck situation was encountered during a naval battle between two clients.

    - Fixed an issue where battle stuck on confirmation stage, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where a stuck situation occurred while performing a manual battle in a multiplayer session, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where a stuck situation occurred when ending the turn immediately after launching an Air Strike, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where errors and desync were encountered, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where a player army became invisible when retreating, generating errors and desync on player interaction.

    - Fixed an issue where an error is generated when attempting to "attack" an AI army during a multiplayer session, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where a desync with errors was encountered when the host of a multiplayer session entered a battle, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where a series of exception errors followed by a desync were encountered during a multiplayer session, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where an error is generated when the turn is ending during a multiplayer session, under specific conditions.



    - Fixed an issue where the player can construct the Arms Factory emblematic on a strategic resource tile, generating errors on ransack.

    - Fixed an issue where players or AI can buy Soviets Arms luxury at 0 cost.


    - Fixed an issue where an error is generated when disbanding the Aircraft Carrier while it contains Aircraft units.

    - Fixed an issue where an expansionist empire's trespassing units cannot move with complete freedom.

    - Fixed an issue where Cruise Missiles and Thermonuclear missiles can be moved to Aircraft Carriers, generating errors.

    - Fixed an issue where multiple errors are generated when sending missile strikes multiple times in a quick succession at the same target.

    - Fixed an issue where using the "Aerial Stealth" unit's Strike actions trigger Grievances for the opposing empire.

    - Fixed an issue where a series of errors were encountered during a siege battle with the player as defender.

    - Fixed an issue where military forces are not visible on the map after auto-exploring.

    - Fixed an issue where two exception errors are generated when a Nuclear Strike action is cancelled due to diplomatic changes.

    - Fixed an issue where two errors are generated when launching a nuclear missile on a specific city during a specific session.


    - Fixed an issue where AI controlled empires do not consider the Commons Quarter adjacency when constructing the extension.

    - Fixed an issue where an error is generated when the minor faction AI attacks one empire in a cross-play session between the Gamepass and Epic PC in the Ancient era.

    - Fixed an issue where a fortification attack related error occurs on "blitz" mode if the player is attacking a fortified area of an AI, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where two AI-related errors are generated when attacking a liberated city.

    - Fixed an issue where two error messages were generated for the host during normal gameplay (Handle the case when the Army is already at a safe position).

    - Fixed an issue where a series of AI related errors were encountered, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where the player encountered an AI related error message, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where two errors are generated when the player eliminates himself by launching a nuclear strike on a nearby city.

    - Fixed an issue where AI related errors were generated during gameplay, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where an AI-related error was generated during gameplay, under specific conditions.

    - Fixed an issue where errors were generated after placing an outpost in the Contemporary era.

    - Fixed an issue where multiplayer Progression Blocker occurred after one of the players city was besieged by the AI army.


    - Fixed an issue where player receives a series of error messages after pressing the "Locate the Event" button of an Osmosis Event notification during late-game.

    - Fixed an issue where placeholder values are displayed in Battle Aftermath reports.

    - Fixed an issue where the randomize AI buttons are functional when loading multiplayer sessions.

    - Fixed an issue where the colors of the Empires do not match on the loading screen in a multiplayer session.

    - Fixed an issue where the Buy resource button of the Diplomacy Trade panel does not update immediately after a purchase.

    - Fixed an issue where the Buy Resource button tooltip in the Trade tab doesn't display the amount of money needed to buy the resource when not having enough money.

    - Fixed an issue where the Empire name is displayed instead of the Natural Wonder name in the description of the "Based on a true story II" event.

    - Fixed an issue where text error present in the Mouth and Nose avatar option tooltips.

    - Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the Help Layer All Military Forces panel tooltip.

    - Fixed an issue where a specific premade avatar portrait is inconsistent with the premade avatar model displayed.

    - Fixed an issue where named avatars can have their presets edited despite the fact that they are locked.

    - Fixed an issue where the "Main Menu" button from the lobby appears out of screen if multiple add-ons/DLCs are enabled.

    - Fixed an issue where one of the empire symbol icons presents low resolution.

    - Fixed an issue where duplicate empire icons are displayed in the empire symbol screen.

    - Fixed an issue where misleading information is displayed in the Move Capital action tooltip.

    - Fixed an issue where the "Clear Ruins" and "Hamlet" extensions share the same icon.


    - Fixed an issue where the "First Civic Unlocked" tutorial can be triggered in the late game after unlocking multiple civics.

    - Fixed an issue where the "City Stability" tutorial appears for Outposts in a specific situation.

    - Fixed an issue where the Aesthete affinity action tutorial is triggered for the Scientist affinity action.

    - Fixed an issue where Agrarian affinity tutorials are not triggered during gameplay .

    - Fixed an issue where Blitz Tutorial message is displayed for all Affinities.

    - Fixed an issue where the Scientist affinity tutorials are not triggered during gameplay.

    - Fixed an issue where the Builder affinity tutorials are not triggered during gameplay.

    - Fixed an issue where the "Legacy of an era" and "Your story" video tutorials display the same image.

    - Fixed an issue where incomplete or false information displayed in the "Construction Queue" tutorial.


    - Fixed an issue where game crashed in loading screen (Vulkan general compatibility + remove most of open while loop to avoid infinite loop).

    - Fixed an issue where harbor models are not displayed on the game map when using Vulkan mode.

    - Fixed an issue where Research quarter water pool displayes heavy flickering for the Aztecs Civilization.


    - Fixed an issue where no audio feedback is received when dismissing the current tech research in the technology panel.

    - Fixed an issue where no audio feedback is received when closing the Society and Religion panels.

    - Fixed an issue where no audio feedback is received when accessing and dismissing the Minor Faction panel.

    - Fixed an issue where multiplayer button has no SFX when clicked.


    - Fixed an issue where an error message is generated when attempting to use the import tool and no png image is found.


    - Fixed an issue where Mod.Io mods fail to download and present error message when subscribing while using the Steam MacOS or EGS MacOS platforms.


    - Fixed an issue where the Unplugged, disconnected and Terminated achievement are not unlocked when meeting the prerequisites.

    Das Original findet ihr hier.
    Wer kämpft, kann verlieren. Wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren. - Bertolt Brecht

    Mein erstes YT LP.

  2. #2
    Moderator Avatar von viktorianer
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    OK, das sind viele Fehler, die hier behoben wurden. Keins davon hat mich je betroffen. Aber, ist doch gut, wenn das Spiel im Ganzen stabiler wird. Nun müssten die ja wieder Zeit haben für wichtigere Dinge, wie die Balance!

    MP live streams | Civ6: Civ 6 - Allgemeines und Civ 6 Strategien-FAQ | PBEM-Tool : PBEM1 - Russland PBC6 - Ägypten+Sumerien PBC18 - Cree PBC19 - Australien

    Amateurastronomie Blog

    "Eine überragende Kultur kann nicht von außen her erobert werden, so lange sie sich nicht von innen her selbst zerstört hat"

  3. #3
    Peace through power! Avatar von Nightmare
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    Also laut PC ist die KI im jetzigen Patch schon viel stärker geworden.
    Frieden durch Macht!
    Bruderschaft von Nod

  4. #4
    Moderator Avatar von viktorianer
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    Zitat Zitat von Nightmare Beitrag anzeigen
    Also laut PC ist die KI im jetzigen Patch schon viel stärker geworden.
    Nicht nur seit dem letzten. Ich habe schon beim vorletzten Patch deutlicher Steigerung erlebt.

    MP live streams | Civ6: Civ 6 - Allgemeines und Civ 6 Strategien-FAQ | PBEM-Tool : PBEM1 - Russland PBC6 - Ägypten+Sumerien PBC18 - Cree PBC19 - Australien

    Amateurastronomie Blog

    "Eine überragende Kultur kann nicht von außen her erobert werden, so lange sie sich nicht von innen her selbst zerstört hat"

  5. #5
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
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    SG - Burg
    Würdest Du sagen sie ist jetzt ein ernstzunehmender Gegner? Oder ist immer noch viel Luft nach oben?
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  6. #6
    Moderator Avatar von viktorianer
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    Ich würde sagen, ohne Exploits zu nutzen, was ich nie mache, kann man die auf Stufe HK nur mit sehr guten Karte für einen selbst schlagen. Und es macht jetzt deutlich mehr Spaß.

    Ich überlege ob ich eine Story starte Vielleicht sollte ich aber noch auf den nächsten Patch warten. Davor werde ich das Spiel ohnehin nicht beenden können.

    MP live streams | Civ6: Civ 6 - Allgemeines und Civ 6 Strategien-FAQ | PBEM-Tool : PBEM1 - Russland PBC6 - Ägypten+Sumerien PBC18 - Cree PBC19 - Australien

    Amateurastronomie Blog

    "Eine überragende Kultur kann nicht von außen her erobert werden, so lange sie sich nicht von innen her selbst zerstört hat"

  7. #7
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
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    SG - Burg
    Schön. Danke für Deine Einschätzung!
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307


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