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Thema: March of the Eagles

  1. #1
    I'M NOT A BIRD, YOU KNOW! Avatar von noxx-0
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    March of the Eagles

    New York – August 29, 2012 – Raise the regimental banner and beat the drums of war, because the Emperor is calling you back into service with the help of Paradox Interactive and Paradox Development Studio. Announcing “March of the Eagles”, a strategy wargame covering the ten years of the Napoleonic Wars, when a Corsican boy used maddeningly clever new tactics to bring all of Europe to its knees.

    Players will take control of any one nation of Europe in this geopolitical barfight, dispatch armies and envoys, raid supply lines, form coalitions and get with the times, already. Because one thing's for sure: Napoleon's Grande Armeé is coming, and he's not interested in second place though he might have to settle for it, if he's just one guy in a 32 person multiplayer battle with set victory conditions.

    March of the Eagles Features:
    • A Decade of Fire: Rule a major European power from 1805 to 1815 and ride out a decade of tactical innovation and strategic duplicity.
    • Manage Great Men: Take advantage of your generals' unique skills to be sure they are in the right place when rival armies meet.
    • Manage Great Armies: Recruit vast armies from your population or build a navy to contest the rule of the seas.
    • The Velvet Glove: Build coalitions to strengthen your hand and use diplomacy to undermine your enemies
    • Logistics and Tactics: An army marches on its stomach, so keep your supply lines secure while your forces master new tactics and new modes of fighting in an era that revolutionized warfare.
    • Mutiplayer: Up to 32 people can go online and duke it out for mastery of Europe.

  2. #2
    Der Weltenfresser
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    Hat ja ich nie jemand drauf geantwortet Na jedenfalls kommt es am Montag raus. 20€ und -10% als Vorbesteller+Sengoku? Oder wie das heißt.

  3. #3
    Held der Arbeiterklasse Avatar von Simato
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    Zitat Zitat von Bassewitz Beitrag anzeigen
    Von Simato lernen heißt Siegen lernen!


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